Educational Mailing Lists
A-ZGovBIZ Education mailing lists will help you get your message out to over 28,000 decision makers in all schools, universities, TAFEs and RTOs throughout Australia and over 2,500 Principals in New Zealand schools.
School Principals | Universities | TAFE | IT Decision Makers | Lists of Lists
Spending on education in Australia has grown 20% over the last 5 years to now well over $80b a year. This is split with 51% spent on primary / secondary schools and 36% on universities and TAFEs. Each year the amount spent on education in Australia continues to grow keeping pace with population growth and demand for better education outcomes. Approximately 50% of school expenses are spent on staff – the rest goes towards running schools, building new campuses and purchasing equipment.
During the 2013-2014 financial year, the number of school students in Australia rose by 1.3% to almost 3.7 million students, with around two thirds of those students attending government schools (source: Australian Bureau of Statistics).
Decision makers in the education sector have lots on their plate at any given time so suppliers must compete for their attention. There are numerous strategies available to suppliers. According to a leading UK marketing company – the top of the list is to target a specific person using their first/last name. Each record on an A-ZGovBIZ Education list includes first and last name, email, phone and fax number, postal address, job title and numbers of staff and students - just what you need to get the prospect’s attention. See A-ZGovBIZ' top Ten Steps to Successful School Marketing.
So why use A-ZGovBIZ Education lists?
At A-ZGovBIZ we understand that suppliers don’t want to waste time and resources targeting prospects who are irrelevant to their campaign. Our contact lists only include people who are in a position of authority to make or influence purchasing decisions. This includes principals, IT managers, finance managers, administration staff and librarians. This ensures that our customers aren’t wasting precious time or money contacting people who are unable to respond to your campaign.
The above graph shows the distribution of Australian school contacts by state.
The graph above shows the breakdown of Australian school contacts by Public, Private, Independent Public and Catholic schools.
How can you use A-ZGovBIZ Education mailing lists?
A-ZGovBIZ Education lists can be customised to your precise needs. Whether you’re looking to reach principals in Victoria, purchasing officers in Perth or IT managers in Tasmania - get in contact with us on 02 9516 4703 or
Facts and Figures
- 53% of schools are in Australian capital cities
- Over 9,500 IT managers in Australian schools
- 4,162 Australian schools have over 100 computers
- There are over 350 different job roles in our University and TAFE list
- 57% of university and TAFE staff are female
Our educational mailing lists are fully Privacy Act compliant and have a guaranteed 98% data accuracy.
Universities and TAFEs

Need more information about our educational mailing lists?
See our List of Lists. To speak to a representative about your next marketing campaign, or for more information about how A-ZGovBIZ can help improve the results of your educational mailing campaigns, call us at: 02 9516 4703 or
Catholic Schools Mailing Lists | Private Schools Mailing Lists | Government Schools Mailing Lists | University Mailing Lists | TAFE Mailing Lists