Public Schools Mailing Lists
There are over 6,300 public schools and over 300 independent public schools across the country, receiving over $40 billion of both state and federal government funding each year. We can put you in touch with key decision-makers in every one of those schools with our extensive public schools mailing lists.
A-ZGovBIZ Public Schools include senior decision-makers, key finance and administration personnel and IT decision-makers in both primary and secondary schools. Can you imagine having more than 13,500 decision-makers covering every public school in Australia?
"I believe A-ZGovBIZ is one of the best, most powerful databases I have ever come across and an invaluable tool for schools marketing.” "The data has been accurate and we would recommend that any business who needs to communicate with schools should contact A-ZGovBIZ." |
A-ZGovBIZ lists are available for purchase or annual license and can be selected by job function, head office/branch, location, industry, metro/country, gender, number of employees and more.
A-ZGovBIZ is the largest and most comprehensive public school mailing list in Australia, and contains the best public schools contacts by first and last name. As described by a leading UK marketing company, targeting a specific person using their first and last name is key to marketing success. Each A-ZGovBIZ Public Schools record includes first and last name, phone and fax number, email, postal address, job titles as well as number of staff and students in each school.
A-ZGovBIZ Public Schools comes with a 98% quality guarantee and is fully maintained in Sydney by our team of researchers to the highest possible calibre.
Facts and Figures
- 99.9% have an email address
- 47% in metro areas
- 53% in country areas
- 54% of principals are female

Need more information about our government schools mailing lists?
See our List of Lists. To speak to a representative about your next marketing campaign, or for more information about how A-ZGovBIZ can help improve the results of your schools mailing campaigns, call us at: 02 9516 4703 or
Catholic Schools Mailing Lists | Private Schools Mailing Lists | Government Schools Mailing Lists | University Mailing Lists | TAFE Mailing Lists