University Mailing Lists
A-ZGovBIZ has the largest and most comprehensive university mailing lists in Australia. Our University mailing lists will help you reach key influencers and decision-makers in faculties and campus business units across the country.
A-ZGovBIZ University Mailing Lists include business decision-makers in faculties, business units, administrative services, student services etc. in major campuses, faculties and administration units nationally. Contacts can be supplied with address, phone number, email address, number of employees, job function and more.
The list is made up by 4,300+ key university contacts in over 2,000 university faculties, business and administration units nationally providing unparalleled depth into Australia's university system. For example, 24% of university contacts are in country campuses. 57% of employees are female and 31% of these females are in senior management.
Facts and Figures
- 100% have email addresses
- 100% have phone numbers
- 76% metro areas
- 24% country areas
- 83% on main campus
- 57% females
- 43% males

Our university mailing lists are highly accurate, sitting at a guaranteed 98% accuracy. They are also Privacy Act compliant. Tertiary institutions are regularly contacted by our team of analysts to ensure the accuracy of our university mailing lists.
Timing of marketing campaigns to universities is critical and it is important to be aware of the buying cycles to ensure you are targeting the right prospect at the right time. Our unique data depth and quality means you can be sure our university mailing lists contain the data you need to get results..
Need more information about our university mailing lists?
See our List of Lists. To speak to a representative about your next marketing campaign, or for more information about how A-ZGovBIZ can help improve the results of your educational mailing campaigns, call us at: 02 9516 4703 or
Catholic Schools Mailing Lists | Private Schools Mailing Lists | Government Schools Mailing Lists | University Mailing Lists | TAFE Mailing Lists